About us

Light Up Yourself is a project that transforms the positive energy from the universe to make it accessible to anyone in the world who needs it. You will access Energy Boosts through our platform to change aspects of your daily life and thus live a more fulfilling and prosperous life.

These Energy Boosts will support you to enhance and reach an optimal state of physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Promoting an overall higher state of consciousness and understanding of your life and surroundings.

Your new level of awareness will allow you to live a more fulfilling life, understanding that we are connected to everything and that we are part of something bigger than life itself. You will soon realize that you are part of the universe and support more to a positive development of the collective.

Having this deeper level of understanding will allow you to disengage from your limitations and blockages, allowing you to enhance your connection with your higher self, creating a clear channel of communication within.

As you clear your communication channel with yourself, you will be more intuitive, reach a deeper level of awareness, and understand your mission and purpose in this life.

Get your Energy Boosts today and feel the energy of the universe flow within!

If payment doesn’t work please contact us info@lightupyourself.com